Working Paper
, Title:
Technical and Vocational Education has become a subject of discussion among the stakeholders in Nepal. Though TVET had been introduced for a considerable length of time. it has not been instituted and developed to meet the needs of the evolving context. The mandate of handling the TVET sector up to the secondary level has been entrusted to the local government institutions according to the federal constitution of Nepal but central authorities seem not prepared to loosen their grip on it. This has given rise to several confusions and ambiguities in both the policy and operational realm. Roughly 384 community based technical schools are running in the country to date. At the same time, TECS has attempted to promote and establish a technical wing in the community schools from the center. This has presented problems as it goes against the provision envisaged in the federal constitution of Nepal.
, Authors:
Nimananda Rijal, Mukti Rijal
Version 1 posted 21 December 2020