University of Vermont, via online meeting, Monday June 14–Friday June 18 2021

Mathematical Problems in Industry (MPI) is a problem-solving workshop that attracts leading applied mathematicians and scientists from universities, industry, and national laboratories. During the workshop, engineers and scientists from industry interact with the academic participants on problems of interest to their companies. Problems are drawn from many areas of industrial practice, including: engineering and product design, process design and control, analysis of datasets, scheduling and optimization, environmental remediation, financial modeling. In the 2021 workshop, which was held online, three companies presented their problems. Their topics were: Evaporation from porous media (by W.L. Gore, Inc.), Utilizing clinical data to predict the severity of presentation of chronic lung diseases (by Vironix Health, Inc.), and Mathematical techniques to ensure privacy in large-scale travel behavior datasets (by Resource Systems Group, Inc.). More details are found at the workshop website:

An event in association with