The idea behind the creation of the GDP matrix is to obtain innovative products and opportunity matrices, which will be formed by chains of sectors of the economy using the following algorithm. The most innovatively developed sectors of the economy are located at the edges of the GDP matrix according to the queue (for example, 1-3-5-7-8-6-4-2). In such a scheme, innovatively less developed sectors of the economy, located in the middle of the GDP matrix, have the most contacts, which give them the opportunity to gain more skills and abilities. The most distal sectors of the matrix have fewer contacts, but in view of greater economic development, they will generate the innovative ideas and be the last link forming or receiving the end-product. Each newly formed opportunity matrix (GDP') can serve as a template for the creation of new innovative ideas and products.
Supplementary materials
The opportunity matrices for chain innovative transformation of economy: the CITE concept
National economies, companies, brands, design bureaus and innovative ideas are united by a common movement vector, i.e. – evolution; and its purpose is to adapt to contemporary market conditions. Why do some countries develop faster and better than others do. It is obviously – world is diverse. Economics is not divorced from other sciences. Methods and concepts that help to understand the multifactorial impact on a single national economy development are very crucial for a modern specialist.