Redux Online Webinar 2: Money and Mission

01 September 2020, Version 1
This content is an early or alternative research output and has not been peer-reviewed by Cambridge University Press at the time of posting.


University presses have served two masters arguably since Cambridge began printing bibles, and certainly since Johns Hopkins’ first president included us among a university’s “noblest duties” in 1878. We are unique among our higher education colleagues in having one foot firmly in the academy and the other firmly in the marketplace. While presses generally have balanced these oft-competing demands, new pressure points are emerging. As technology offers new ways to deliver content and new ways to measure engagement … as traditional business models struggle under the combined weight of changed buying patterns and broader pressures on the higher education finances … is it time to ask: are we still measuring the right things? In this panel, diverse perspectives weigh in on how university presses might think about balancing mission and money going forward. Recording of a live webinar held on 21 May 2020 as part of the Redux Online series.


Redux 2020
University press



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