Why are wildflowers and pollinating insects so important? Well, much of the food we grow depends upon pollinators many of which are in serious decline. The huge drop in insect numbers is also a major factor in once-common species like hedgehogs and starlings becoming endangered. But there are simple ways that we can address this and make our road verges more wildflower and pollinator-friendly. In this presentation, Claire summarizes the findings of her literature review to assess evidence for the benefits of road verges for pollinators, the potential negative impacts of roads on pollinators and how to enhance road verges for pollinators through management.

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Read the full, Open Access paper:
Phillips, B.B., Wallace, C., Roberts, B.R., Whitehouse, A.T., Gaston, K.J., Bullock, J.M., Dicks, L.V. and Osborne, J.L. (2020). Enhancing road verges to aid pollinator conservation: A review. Biological Conservation, p.108687.