The lack of an accepted theory of psychological androgyny has been the seeds for its de-construction. Over the decades, the testing of ideas associated with androgyny has declined. Indeed the debates over its usefulness as a construct ended long ago. The judgment nowadays is that debating the constructs of masculinity, femininity, and androgyny as behavioural traits has been long settled, and a contemporary revisiting of androgyny is not warranted. However, from another contemporary viewpoint, if androgyny is to have any future, it needs a new theory devoid of masculinity and femininity.
This article details a new de-gendered theory of psychological androgyny, neo-androgyny, as a candidate to replace traditional models that are now considered outdated and irrelevant. We present five potential factors for inclusion in a de-gendered model: Social Efficacy, Creativity, Capability, Eminence, and Determination. We review these factors concerning the future of androgyny theory.