The Parametric Comparison Method synthesises phylogenetic methods developed in evolutionary biology with the generative conception of binary syntactic parameters to generate phylogenetic trees for languages based on their parameter settings. The Extending Parametric Comparison project (joint work with Ian Roberts) extends the methodology to clausal parameters. 87 such clausal parameters have been identified, based on parallels with the nominal parameters, the parameter hierarchies of Roberts (2019), and other salient patterns of syntactic variation. Values of these parameters have been collated for a range of languages, 13 in phase 1 and a further 22 in phase 2 of the project. Employing distance values calculated from this dataset, software from the PHYLIP package has been used to generate phylogenetic trees intended to capture relationships between the languages. These trees show good overall conformity with traditionally established family groupings, and anomalies are attributed to established language contact scenarios.