Even if you are not interested in Russian kitchen, you have probably heard of mysterious 'borsht' and asked yourself: “What should I do with my tongue to pronounce this?” The course presented in this poster will help you find the answer! This online Moodle course is designed to teach students to recognize Russian coronal obstruents in various positions in syllables, words and phrases. The course starts with general exercises addressing common problems in acquisition of Russian coronal obstruents. Upon completion of these exercises, students are given further sets of exercises designed to target the difficulties commonly encountered by speakers of their language. We designed the course to be as engaging and entertaining as possible, through the use of specially made graphics, careful choice of colours, and the design of new types of interactive exercises not available in the classic Moodle. The poster is interactive, so give it a try!
Supplementary weblinks
Course on Russian consonants
This is an extract from an online Moodle course of Russian coronal obstruents