Conference Closing Panel Discussion

21 June 2021, Version 1
This content is an early or alternative research output and has not been peer-reviewed by Cambridge University Press at the time of posting.


Taking place at the end of Climate Exp0 this public debate is an opportunity for members of the public to ask a leading panel of climate change experts their questions on climate change that are important to them. It’s an opportunity to ask how we as individuals can make a difference now to help us move towards net zero; and to find out directly from experts what we can do to change our behaviours and live more sustainably. From biodiversity loss and energy futures, to youth voice and behaviour change, our panelists will decipher the latest in climate science, and inspire how as individuals, groups and nations, we can take action and contribute to advancing a more resilient, sustainable, net zero future.


Conference opening and closing
climate change
Communication Engagement and Capacity Building
Energy transition
Net Zero



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