Robin criterion states that the Riemann Hypothesis is true if and only if the inequality $\sigma(n) < e^{\gamma } \times n \times \log \log n$ holds for all natural numbers $n > 5040$, where $\sigma(n)$ is the sum-of-divisors function and $\gamma \approx 0.57721$ is the Euler-Mascheroni constant. We show that the Robin inequality is true for all natural numbers $n > 5040$ which are not divisible by any prime between $2$ and $953$. We prove that the Robin inequality holds when $\frac{\pi^{2}}{6} \times \log\log n' \leq \log\log n$ for some $n>5040$ where $n'$ is the square free kernel of the natural number $n$. The possible smallest counterexample $n > 5040$ of the Robin inequality complies that necessarily $n < 6^{m} \times N_{m}$ such that $n$ is an Hardy-Ramanujan integer of the form $\prod_{i=1}^{m} q_{i}^{a_{i}}$ and $N_{m} = \prod_{i = 1}^{m} q_{i}$ is the primorial number of order $m$.