This regional profile for the Arabian Peninsula was developed in the context of the BEIS COP26 Visions for a Net Zero Future project. It covers the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), and has been developed with the input from in- country academic experts Prof. Annalisa Molini and Mr Luiz Friedrich (Khalifa University, UAE) and Prof. Juan Carlos Santamarina (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, KSA). It sets out a synthesis of the available evidence base on regional challenges and opportunities for mitigation, adaptation, and resilience measures for both KSA and UAE and the wider Arabian Peninsula associated with climate change and a global transition to an inclusive, desirable, and resilient net-zero future.
Supplementary weblinks
Futures We Want: Visions of Feasible, Desirable and Resilient Net-Zero Futures
To create a globally net-zero, climate-resilient world by 2050, there are two things we need to know: What solutions are feasible? What is desirable?
This project brings together both.
Six groups of academic experts created reports on their region’s possible futures. Then six groups of citizens shared their hopes and ideas based on those reports.
This gives us something new: visions of a globally net-zero, climate-resilient world that people actually want to live in.