The Communicating Climate Risk Toolkit (‘the Toolkit’), from the COP26 Universities Network (COP26 UN) and the Analysis under Uncertainty for Decision Makers network (AU4DM), seeks to narrow the gap between climate science and climate action, by providing insights, recommendations, and practical tools to support dialogue between scientists, decision-makers, and diverse stakeholders and communities. The Toolkit also endeavours to identify open problems and pose questions for further study and debate. The Toolkit builds on previous work by AU4DM and partly emerges from conversations at and around the COP26 Universities Network Climate Risk Summit, in September 2021, as well as survey questions shared with its participants.
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Communicating Climate Risk: A Toolkit
The Communicating Climate Risk toolkit is the result of interdisciplinary collaboration across the physical sciences, social sciences, and arts and humanities, incorporating input from policy and other stakeholders. It identifies key challenges in communicating climate science, both to support robust decision-making, and to inform wider societal shifts using effective climate storytelling. It offers lessons, recommendations, and tools to address these challenges. Topics covered include varying conceptions of uncertainty and risk, best practice in visualising uncertainty data, and constructive critique of AR6 WG1 SPM methodologies for communicating model uncertainty.