The Centre for Natural Material Innovation in the Department of Architecture at the University of Cambridge is a cross-disciplinary centre, bringing together people and research in plant sciences, biochemistry, chemistry, fluid dynamics, engineering, and architecture. Through innovative research and experimentation, we aim to transform the way we build to achieve zero carbon emissions. Our work enables the substitution of artificial materials such as concrete and steel with nature-based materials such as timber and bamboo, and replacement of structural carbon fibre and glass fibre with hemp and flax-based biocomposites. We collaborate with other leading research institutions globally, including in the USA, China, Australia, Uruguay and others.
Supplementary weblinks
Reducing the whole life carbon impact of buildings
Buildings contribute a significant proportion of the UK’s carbon emissions and play a key role in achieving net zero emissions targets. This POSTbrief explores the emissions associated with buildings, from design to end of life, and presents an overview of the opportunities for reducing their carbon impact.