Corte de Madera has a high vegetable activity measured by satellite despite the extreme drought conditions of the State during the years 2020-2021. Napa Valley suffered a severe decline in vegetable activity just after the rainy season of 2020 in April. It happened before the wildfires that affect the region in August 2020. Dixie region had a declining rainy season of 2020 and 2021 (November to April). The wildfires started in August. Satellite images could be a low-cost strategy to build an Early Warning System for wildfires.
Supplementary weblinks
Surveillance of Drought resistant areas with Photosynthesis remote sensing
Despite the severe drought conditions that have affected California from
January 2020 to up-to-date in October 2021 according to the US Drought
Monitor; photosynthesis remote sensing has identified a high resistance
region in Corte de Madera, California. It is worth doing continuous
satellite surveillance of this region supported by drones and earth
sensors to help to preserve these resilient regions that could be
the water reserves shortly.
The purpose of this project is to provide a minimum of continuous
10-day surveillance of these resilience regions in California and
Australia to show how satellite remote sensing could be used for
sustainability and as an Early Warning System of wildfires risks
in case these areas start to lose photosynthesis and vegetable