Turning the Corner to the Stalemate in Mental Science and Psychopathology
The removal of Asperger Syndrome from ASD nosology means that the likelihood of proving that the ASPERGER/ADHD hybrid complex, which dual-source alexithymic anxiety, treated with an SSRI, for example, at one of the 3 wrong times of the year, leading to energised or ‘manic anxiety’, ie paranoid psychosis, in those of latter teens, will never be realised as the pathway to diagnosis of ‘First Episode Psychosis’, or ‘Schizophrenia’, or if a few years later, ‘BPAD’ or a few years later still, ‘Schizoaffective Disorder’. Alexithymic Anxiety, experienced subjectively as low or depressed mood, preceding a ‘Schizoaffective’ first episode probably explains why research has tended to suggest that the prognosis , in terms of progress to ‘full Schizophrenia’ is poor if the mood preceding the first episode is depressive, ie a more intense alexithymically experienced GAD, caused by the ‘seasonal’ change in light intensity pulling the ‘substantially increased number of retinocytes’-trigger found in the eyes of all of the definitely separate (ahem)sufferers of ASD and ADHD. That might just make early intervention with ADHD and anti-hyper anxiety prevent the development of the ‘serious’ Neurodevelopmental Disorders? It might even have made them reversible in 6 patients with Chronic (average 25 years) Treatment-Resistant Schizophreniform psychoses in 2019, in a private Approved Centre in Ireland, whose owners would own that Intellectual Property and would prevent the publication of the small, but fascinating, case series written by the CD who inexplicably never returned to work after Christmas 2019, and whose colleagues were not allowed contact him, nor he them. All pure surmise, obviously. Dr Seán Ó Domhnaill, Consultant Psychiatrist and High Court-appointed Independent Neurodevelopmental Specialist/Expert Advisor, Vulnerable Persons and Children in Care Section. Founder IAAN Ltd www.IAAN.ie