The Ghale Gaon, a village situated on a ridge of the mountain, the ridge of the mountain is approximately 2100 Meter height from the sea level in the Lamjung district of Kwolasothar rural Municipality. Ghale Gaon is approximately 205km northwest of Kathmandu and 125 km northeast of Pokhara the scenic village of the district. Homestay started in 2001, this was declared one of the best villages for homestay tourism development in the SAARC Region of the country. The iconic tower of the village gives a feeling of sitting on the lap of the gigantic Himalayas of Annapurna and Lamjung Himal and 90 percent of visitors are satisfied and like the village, they have also suggested improving the living condition also and feeling water shortage to some extent. The government also needs to support preparing infrastructure also.
Key Words: Rural Tourism, Ghale Gaon, Contribution, Scenic views