The effect of magnetic fields on black hole superradiance is an exciting topic with possible astrophysical applications. A dyonic RN-like black hole is not asymptotically flat. It describes a black hole immersed in an asymptotically uniform magnetic field. This paper discusses the superadditive stability of binary RN black holes, asymptotically flat, band-like black holes. This article introduces the above condition into dyonic RN-like black holes if a dyonic RN-like black hole satisfies the requirement of $\mu=y\omega$, When $\sqrt{2(B^2+Q^2)}/{r^2_+}< \omega< q\varPhi_H$,particularly $\mu \ge \sqrt{2}(q\varPhi_H)$,the dyonic RN-like black hole is superradiantly stable at that time.