People from all fields are remotely dealing with their works, in addition to adaptations in every dimension of daily life respecting coronavirus health information. This presentation, reflecting the current circumstances and echoing the above concepts, will firstly examine the challenges in academia pertaining to pandemic-related developments and provide a literature review on the use of technologies in education under COVID-19. Next and also the highlight of this presentation, I will share the journey of my masters dissertation and touch on my conversion of a DiE (Drama in Education) project into an asynchronous online workshop in view of the outbreak. I will zero in on the transformation and how it means to conduct research connected with educational technology in the time of a pandemic. Reshaping ourselves, both as researchers and as human beings, during crisis will also be one of the focal points of this presentation.
Supplementary materials
Abstract for the 2021 Global Chinese Conference on Educational Information and Assessment, Graduate Institute of Educational Information and Measurement, National Taichung University of Education, Online. 22 May 2021.