These are lecture notes from a one semester course on Network Design taught at NYU in the 1980's. These notes were written by Dr. Herbert J. Bernstein and the late Professor Max Goldstein and, along with the companion lecture notes on Data Communications provide components essential to a more modern book that is under development. Even though, indeed especially because an extensive rewrite and extension is needed for the new work, making these lecture notes accessible is needed to connect the modern work to its past. We consider network topology, traffic management, local networks, long distance networks, heterogeneous interconnected networks, typical network designs (e.g. CCITT X.25, ARPANET, DECNET, SNA, ETHERNET), satellite systems, datagrams and virtual circuits, data base and file transfer subsystems, security, hardware and software constraints.
Supplementary weblinks
G22.2262 Data Communications Lecture Notes Fall 1983 with revisions from G22.2262 Data Communications Lecture Notes Fall 1990
Companion lecture notes on Data Communications