The Correlation Between Gravitational Constant and Distance from Matter

01 May 2023, Version 7
This content is an early or alternative research output and has not been peer-reviewed by Cambridge University Press at the time of posting.


The value of gravitational constant and Coulomb's constant have been measured after the 18th century by various methods (such as using the torsion balance, very cold atoms and atom interferometry) in the macroscopic scale namely in the distance more than one micro meter from the matter. But their amount at the vicinity of matter (r<1Å or r ˂ 1nm) has not yet been measured. It was not acceptable for me to use the current values of gravitation constant and Coulomb's constant, which their values were derived in macroscopic scale, in the microscopic and subatomic scale. This was the idea that led to writing this article. Here we show that we are able to consider a large value for the gravitational constant, G, at the vicinity of matter (r<1Å). Today physics and chemistry need to this choice.


Gravitational Constant
Vacuum Permittivity
Fine-Structure Constant
Coulomb's constant


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