To date, no scientific study has found reliable evidence of an afterlife; the mechanism of consciousness is two of the most challenging questions. Here, I show the hypotheses for consciousness and the probability of an afterlife through three simple thought experiments and theoretical evidence. I hypothesize that when a person or animal dies, the natural selection of the next life within a new nervous system’s physical types might depend on the type of the finally evolved yet unknown particle of the previous life. When a brain dies, the (two-in-one) microparticle might be emitted at infinite speed from the dead brain and simultaneously bond with a suitable naturally selected zygote or early nervous system somewhere in the universe/s and form a new life with the impact of new nature and nurture. Finding alternatives other than the afterlife is challenging, and more studies are needed to precisely understand the theory's mechanism.
Supplementary materials
Consciousness and Life after Death in Evolution of Intelligence
This attempts to address two of the biggest questions that scholars and mankind face. A scientific solution to the questions might make a great revolution personal to world well-being.