The many Worlds Interpretation postulates that the universal wave function exists and never collapses unlike the Copenhagen Interpretation. Instead, all possible outcomes of the measurement are realized in isolated parts of the wave function. These parts create the “worlds”. There must be an infinite number of these worlds due to the probabilistic paradoxes caused by having equally real worlds. On the other hand, each spatial dimension consists of an infinite number of the lower spatial dimension. Meaning an n dimensional world consists of an infinite number of (n-1) dimensional worlds. The universal wave function could be 4 dimensional which would explain why these 3-dimensional worlds are isolated. This claim will be further supported with Schrödinger Equation simulations. The 4-dimensional Schrödinger Equation will present a better fit to the Many Worlds Interpretation than the 3-dimensional Schrödinger Equation since it will provide a solution to the statistical paradoxes posed by the interpretation by postulating an infinite number of worlds.