Space and Time, do we describe them correctly?
On the 4-dimensional structure of the universe
Indeed, the four-dimensional structure of spacetime initially did not fit to the description of quantum physics. That is why Heisenberg was forced to introduce the uncertainty relation. Look, in classical physics, you can draw a graph of path versus time. In quantum physics, that's a problem. Once formed, bosons move at a constant velocity. That means that time doesn't exist for bosons. But for fermions, time exists because their state changes constantly. For example, if you want to calculate the velocity of a fermion, you need to consider a system of two fermions that are close in time. According to the Pauli prohibition principle, they must be described by functions that are antisymmetric in time. In other words, periodic. The result was the uncertainty relation in quantum physics. It is not surprising that mathematicians have been using the predictor-corrector method for centuries,