This study offers a solution to the problem of the origin and nature of psyche, which is the main theoretical problem of psychology and the main obstacle to the solution of the mind-body problem. It also offers an explanation of the nature of types of psyche, directly related to the structure of psyche proposed within the main hypothesis. A holistic concept of the evolution of psyche based on the reflection of the main types of motions - changes of environment, movements of animate subjects and manipulations of objects - consisting of three stages is proposed:
1) The stage of elementary sensory psyche
2) The stage of reflection of behavior
3) The stage of the perceptive psyche The structure of perceptive reflection corresponding to the proposed concept is offered, consisting of four elements: conditions of the environment, phenomena of the environment, properties of objects and behavior of subjects. The connection of the proposed concept with the laws of mechanics of Newton as physical laws describing the psychic reflection of basic types of motions is shown. The correspondence of the proposed concept of the structure of psychic reflection with the key provisions of the typology of Jung is demonstrated. A hypothesis about the nature of the types of psyche as a result of the dominance of certain elements of the structure of the perceptive reflection within the key psychic processes - attention and memory - is proposed.