This research aims to examine and analyze the Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) potential of the construction sector in Jambi Province and its influence on the GRDP of the construction sector. Analysis tools Location Quotient (LQ), Dynamic Location Quotient (DLQ), typology klassen, panel data regression. Quantitative data type via website: https://jambi.bps.go.id and qualitative data via Google Form link software application. The results of research on the GRDP potential of the construction sector in Jambi Province, the non-based sector, is not prospectively advanced but is under pressure. Kerinci Regency, Bungo and Jambi City are prospective base sectors that are rapidly advancing and growing. Merangin Regency, Tebo and Sungai Penuh City are prospective developing sectors. Sarolangun Regency's basic sector is not prospective for development. East Tanjung Jabung Regency and West Tanjung Jabung Sectors are not a forward prospective basis but are emphasized. Batanghari Regency, the non-base sector has no prospective development. Muaro Jambi Regency, the non-prospective non-based sector is relatively lagging behind. Partial test results for construction workers, capital expenditure have a positive and insignificant effect, while the construction cost index has an insignificant negative effect, while for construction service business entities, the human development index has a significant positive effect on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the construction sector and the simultaneous test results obtained R2 72.05%.