Quantum gravity is a very important research topic in theoretical physics because it is believed to bridge quantum mechanics and Einstein's theory of general relativity. This may be true, but quantum gravity is important to basic science primarily because it would show how gravity works on an extremely small scale of spacetime, the quantum level. Another comprehensive topic is the physics of wormholes. The physical and mathematical interpretation of wormholes has actually been known for about a hundred years, but their technical creation has not been possible until now. However, in this work, apart from the nature of the wormhole, its technical feasibility is also shown, which has not been presented before. This work is primarily aimed at an academic audience, such as students, graduate students, lecturers, researchers, but also interested parties, industrialists and even managers of technology companies and organizations. This work requires the readers to have university-level knowledge of theoretical physics and to a lesser extent of engineering.
Supplementary materials
3D Wormhole in Blender
A three-dimensional model of a wormhole.
Supplementary weblinks
MLK Technology and Science Ltd
Homepage for scientific research and business.
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Estonian Research Information System
The Estonian Research Information System is owned by the Ministry of Education and Research and managed by the Estonian Research Agency.