The chronological hierarchy and classification of psychological types of individuals are examined. The anomalous nature of psychological activity in individuals involved in scientific work is highlighted. Certain aspects of the introverted thinking type in scientific activities are analyzed. For the first time, psychological archetypes of scientists with pronounced introversion are postulated in the context of twelve hypotheses about the specifics of professional attributes of introverted scientific activities.
A linear regression and Bayesian equation are proposed for quantitatively assessing the econometric degree of introversion in scientific employees, considering a wide range of characteristics inherent to introverts in scientific processing. Specifically, expressions for a comprehensive assessment of introversion in a linear model and the posterior probability of the econometric (scientometric) degree of introversion in a Bayesian model are formulated.
The models are based on several econometric (scientometric) hypotheses regarding various aspects of professional activities of introverted scientists, such as a preference for solo publications, low social activity, narrow specialization, high research depth, and so forth. Empirical data and multiple linear regression methods can be used to calibrate the equations. The model can be applied to gain a deeper understanding of the psychological characteristics of scientific employees, which is particularly useful in ergonomics and the management of scientific teams and projects. The proposed method also provides scientists with pronounced introversion the opportunity to develop their careers, focusing on individual preferences and features.