Integrating the LC into cortical computation. Current trends, challenges, and future directions.
In the section" Features and domain specific representations in brain evolution.."; I erroneously used perturbative in place of data dimensionality reductions for the summary of the paper on 2d representations of sensory domains in hierarchal processing as well as forgetting to briefly summarize pertubative approaches in cross frequency coupling in LC modulation and the concluding remarks section. My attention was fixated on pertubation theory in coupling of multiple quantum bodies and unitary operators, so I seemed to have goofed in two sentences of my manuscript. Overall I'm satisfied for now, I'll post a final version once the manuscript passes peer review. In the meantime, I'm happy to answer any questions and would love some (constructive) criticism or any literature/ research i may have overlooked In this review.
: Jan 01, 2025, 10:00
Also accidentally imported a reference into my zotero bibliography that i decided not to use in this review.