Welcome to One Health
One Health is a collaborative, multisectoral, and transdisciplinary approach—working at the local, regional, national, and global levels—with the goal of achieving optimal health outcomes recognising the interconnection between people, animals, plants, and their shared environment. One Health is an emerging paradigm seeking to engage interdisciplinary science with research scientists and professionals across society. One Health focuses on interdisciplinary outputs that employ a One Health approach at the interface between humans, animals and their environment, such as disease prevention, surveillance and management (i.e., preparedness and response). Core disciplines include health-specific subject areas such as medicine, veterinary medicine, pathobiology, epidemiology, and disease ecology. In addition, allied disciplinary areas such as ecology, mathematical modelling, toxicology, systems thinking, political ecology and economics are interrogated for results and innovative solutions to health problems.
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The One Health community is a space to discover and contribute to the Questions shaping the field of One Health. Find out more about the associated journal here [opens in a new tab].
If this is your field, shape this community by:
- Submitting early or supplementary outputs, typically non-peer reviewed, that help answer the published questions. All outputs have a DOI and therefore are discoverable and citable.
- Suggesting future questions for publication. If the advisory council and executive board accept your suggestion, you will be the author of the Question. Please use the discussion forum for this or contact us on OneHealth@cambridge.org.
- Discussing other researchers’ question suggestions and other researchers’ outputs in the forum.
- Suggesting how we can make this community and the associated journal work for you by contacting us on OneHealth@cambridge.org or via the forum.